Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Why won’t the Clerk tell anyone........ Why is he frit?

Why won’t the Clerk tell anyone:-

o When the alleged bullying took place that led to the suspensions?
o Why does the Clerk (21/12/08) claim a perfectly reasonable and concise email from a Cllr, is harassment – it plainly is not – it is irrational to state that!
o Why can’t they be told what the grievance is BEFORE it goes to the Standards Board? They make the rules up as they go along.
o Did the Clerk have access to their grievance? Yes of course.
o Did they have access to HIS grievance? NO!
o Why did the ‘subject of the complaint’ write to the complainants - that is totally against standard procedure and Confrontational.
o When I made a complaint about the Clerk, I was told to submit it to the Clerk!!! Totally Wrong.

The Clerk ADMITS what he sent was an “abridged copy”, AND THAT made it appear the procedure had been followed, but the vital part of para 2.4 had been omitted where it re-iterated the right to a hearing, a full report, and for the full report put to both sides - BEFORE disciplinary action.

Here the Councillors have not even been advised what the bullying is alleged to have been about, they have not had any details of the charges, or the ability to defend the charges. It is against Natural Justice. In short the Suspensions are unlawful.

Ho Hum! Just watch this space.........

1 comment:

  1. Supportive article here: http://herefordheckler.wordpress.com/
