Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Kington Councillors Unsuspended - Sort Of

Kington welcomes Jokers - At the Festival - but NOT on the Town Council.

What HAS been going on at OUR Council?
Crisis Hit Council
Tells it pretty well in the Mid-Wales Journal. Jan 9th 2009

Lets Suspend three of the Moderate Sensible Councillors, that will upset the balance of Common Sense nicely: Suspensions!

One small step forward: report of Mayor's Resignation.

Mid-Wales Journal

Hereford Times

A Petition

So to Monday 16/2/09.....................

Living in la-la land is all very well, a serial farce, two episodes per month, with such imaginative scriptwriters, but why do we, who have no say in the affairs have to pay for this charade?

Who decides which letters to the Council are referred to in letters received at full Council, and which are binned electronically with the immortal Word "Noted" where the contents are too difficult to answer?

So we have a Dysfunctional Dyslexic Deceiving Council in Crisis , that edits mischievously, unadopted draft advice, from a secretive society (SLCC), that wont talk or explain their alleged advice to those that pay their collective dues (Us, the poor Charge-Payers), supporting members making inventive unsubstantiated personally advantageous grievances, with neither Hearing nor the Procedural niceties of compliance with any rules or adopted policy being served on unsuspecting, uninformed, victims of a grossly mismanaged stage show for their own amusement.

FIRSTLY, The junta's ('Old Regime' in Lloydspeak) spokesperson Lloyd ushers unceremoniously, whilst the shenanigans (1. mischief or nonsense 2. trickery or deception) are enacted, the victims to be disposed of to a dark corner of the Car Park, expelling them from the meeting 15/12/08, in accordance with their prior scheming; colloquially called a 'set-up'. Even suspended they could, and should have been allowed to return to the meeting enjoying(?) the same rights as the public, but no, sent home in "disgrace", Mayor Lloyd returning to exclaim, holier than thou "My Gawd". Explanation or apology for the Councillor's absences? No, No, this is Kington Council! Just another way to twist the knife!

SECOND Exciting Episode: the three Suspended attend, but do not participate.

They write saying in affect the 'Suspensions' were blatantly unlawful, if they think there has been any compliance with the law of the land, speak up. If they are allowed to accede to their seats, that being an admission of the unlawfulness of the Council's actions.

A vitriolic retort comes forth from Clerk conforming their version, apparently from Cllr Newman, that in 'la-la land' they were indeed still fully suspended "to protect the Clerk" (or his interests?)

THIRDLY, astoundingly, in surreal accepting silence by the Council three suspended Councillors take their seats, just as if nothing has happened, as one said subsequently their gasted was flabbere'd.
  • Clerk, Chair and Council meekly accepting their wrongdoing?
  • Launching a charm offensive in the shadow of Thursdays Public Meeting?
  • Fear of vilification by the Standards Board?
  • Or simply detached from reality?
What am I supposed to make of this wanton waste of the £50,000 precept? How could I explain this in believable terms on Thursday 19/2/09 at 7.30pm at Burton Hotel Kington ?

Surely he who pays the piper should call the tune? Hopefully with 15 good men and women willing to stand, as well as the few dud dudes perhaps, desperate to cling to power when all realism has long gone. The Clerk will no doubt be considering his short term career prospects, and depleted Reference score.

10 Councillors resigning in recent years! 9, soon 10 Clerks, in 10 years. Something is very, very wrong, was Lloyd the Catalyst for Crisis? Not alone, Cllr Newman and Cllr Trumper and the not unconnected frequently complaining vexatious member of the public may have the ability to alter the course of Governance in Kington.


  1. Been reading through past Minutes in Library, Sept - Dec 2008(incl.) there was 1 correction.

    Sept - Dec 2009 there were 14 corrections to the Minutes.

    Are standards slipping?

  2. 26/1/09
    The Clerk,
    Kington Town Council.

    Dear Mr Rippon

    When three Councillors were suspended, I asked 'What legislation and rules were the suspensions made under'. (22/12)

    Instead of a reply, you sent me an edited extract from a 'policy' to be used in conjunction with the Council's Grievance Procedure. (22/12)

    The extract appeared to say Councillors could receive counselling, training, or be suspended, as disciplinary action for bullying.

    You omitted the pivotal part that actually said 'Following a Grievance Hearing, a full report will be made to all parties and this may result in .... counselling, training, or suspension, as disciplinary action'

    This was either misleading or deceitful.

    I said I was concerned you were intent on deceiving me. (02/01)

    You said you must take exception that you 'misled' me or any Councillor. (03/01)

    You confirmed that was 'my opinion' but you made no attempt to refute my claim. (03/01)

    Therefore as you declined to respond with clarification, I conclude deceiving me was not unintentional

    If this is not the case can you correct me and explain, otherwise please note the conclusion?


    REPLY from Town Council:-

    The Contents of your email have been noted.


  3. Comments copied from the original petition on

    This is shocking, and it is time we had a Council we can be proud of. They should ALL resign, and let the good ones be elected

    Why doesn't the Mayor resigns as he says in the link!

    At last somebody's doing something

    To all Kington Town Councillors. You are digging a deeper and deeper hole. Get out now and try to rescue some sort of dignity rather than be thrown out later.

    We NEED proper democracy NOW. Get OUT! Stand for re-election - if you dare! Any decent Councillors, will get back in.

    sadly I feel the only way ot draw a line under tihs is for all current or past councillors to resign and be barred from standing in any future election. This is the only way we can draw a line under this though sadly it means losing out on the input of some very kind and community minded people.

    Dean, it is not the past Councillors that are the problem, it is the current LONGER serving ones|! Remember Adrian Turner, Mayor, who was forced to resign after being threatened, by Cllr Newman! They have all got to go, let the PEOPLE SPEAK

    Kington needs councillors who live in the real world,and can answer questions when asked instead of side stepping and be more helpful and polite to the people of Kington that were born and lived here all there lives.



    Esther Rolls has been bullied and harassed by certain members of Kington Council for long enough at great cost to the rate payers of Kington. The auditors and police find she has no charge to answer so why do you keep on persecuting her relentlessly, with your obssesion to desroy her reputation. Do just one decent thing for the people of Kington RESIGN and then crawl back under your stones! Go Now!

    What a total waste of time, effort and money these bullies are. At a time when money is short and there is so much good that can and should be done in this town, by this town, for this town. The only way to deal with bullies is to show a united front and refuse to allow it to happen.

    Kington has done no forward planning and has been stuck in this impasse for too long. give us back a council that want to lead this town into challenges of the recession and the future.

    Many conscientious councillors are being shamed by those who have forgotten what they are there to represent. Do the honorable thing!

    Pardon my mistake but I should have substituted unnamed for named as those named are free of blame

    Fantastic Letter from Standards Board!!! See you at Burton Hotel 19/2/09 As you say Dump the Dross. 15 Councillors is TOO many, All stand down, let us select who we want and TRUST!!!!!!!!

    Obviously the current council have forgotten for whom they work for. Honest members have nothing to worry about as they will retain the public vote as they are the ones who are seen by the public to be helping the public.

    Running a bussiness in Kington I feel that we need a council that works for Kington and its people. Not one that carries on with their own agenda against public demand, tries to gag councillors trying to run the council properly and shouting down public questioners at meetings.

  4. THE CHAIR OF THE STANDARDS BOARD (who it is understood had even had a Complaint made against HIM by the serial vexatious Complainants!!!) writes:-

    In a letter the chairman of the Herefordshire Standards Committee, Robert Rogers, said the referral had taken place for three reasons – first, that they are so serious that, if proven, the conduct complained of merits a sanction greater than that which could be imposed by his committee (a six-month suspension); second, that the investigation of the complaints is likely to be so extensive that it would impose an unreasonable burden upon Herefordshire Council; and third, that two Assessment Sub-Committees have serious concerns about how Kington Council conducts its work.

    Mr Roberts said Herefordshire’s Standards Committee had been keen to see standards of governance at Kington improve and had provided advice and support to help.

    But he said the latest series of formal complaints against Kington councillors had now convinced him that remedial action of that sort is unlikely to be effective in the present circumstances. (see Mid Wales Journal, who's reporter has had complaints made about her by these expensive, serial, vexatious complainants!)

  5. http://www.southshropshirejournals.com/2009/02/06/kington-mayor-resigns/
